Minéraux is a white pigment manufacturing company with a competitive edge: Minéraux has the world’s only replacement for Titanium dioxide (E171) that is safe and equally white. White pigments are used for a wide range of application including toys, crayons, inks, plastics, food contact and others.

Koekjesbakkerij Veldt
Koekjesbakkerij Veldt is a producer of traditional biscuits and cookies located in Veenendaal. With its leading market position and innovative strategy, Veldt supplies a wide range of artisan biscuits to retail, bakery wholesale customers and the food service industry. With her focus on high quality, Veldt knows how to continuously inspire the customer and always puts the customer’s wishes first.

Krakend Vers
Krakend Vers is a producer of artisan oat crackers, oat cookies and granola located in Bunschoten-Spakenburg. Innovative product development has translated into finding the younger and conscious consumer with the oat crackers under the OnOats brand. Due to the constant focus on craft and fresh, Krakend Vers knows how to enchant the customer permanently.